LCI-QATAR Member Completes all 12 Construction Accelerator® courses
Recently, one of LCI-Qatar’s members, Tony Jacob, a Management Consultant for Excelledia Quality Consulting, successfully completed all 12 Construction Accelerator® online video courses including Last Planner System®, Takt planning, Target Value Delivery, A3 decision-making, Processing and Value Stream Mapping, and Continuous Improvement.

Two years ago LeanConstructionInstitute-Qatar (LCI-Qatar) the premier construction membership association in the region, noted for its leading edge construction learning, and ConstructionAccelerator® collaborated to bring this comprehensive Lean learning system to LCI-Qatar’s 1,000+ members.
ConstructionAccelerator® is a 24/7 Internet-based learning management system for Lean design and construction, with a dozen online courses, some 33 topics and a total of 151 3-9 minute videos.
Tony told us, “I used to watch YouTube contents and attend webinars by Dan Fauchier, who has a unique skill to explain Lean concepts in a simplified and visual way. When Lean Construction Institute-Qatar’s association with Construction Accelerator happened, it became a real blessing for me. As a member, I got access to the complete learning modules, the expertise Dan Fauchier, Andy Fulton and Kyle Martinez have gained over their lifetimes: 12 courses, 33 topics, and 151 short videos. It’s an ocean of knowledge related to Lean Construction.”
“I really enjoy watching Construction Accelerator videos because they are short, clear, and concise. Among all the videos, my favourite one is “How do the 3 levels of the Last Planner System® work together?” Similarly, the Takt Planning course by Spencer Easton has taken me to the next level, and it’s one of the many courses that are well-explained through the 151 videos available on Construction Accelerator.”
Because Tony also holds the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) lean certificate, CM-Lean, which he obtained through LCI-Qatar classes, and he recently fully met his continuing education requirements for that certificate because of his completion of Construction Accelerator classes, which AGC recognizes and recommends.
“I confidently recommend Construction Accelerator to anyone who wants to pursue Lean Construction, whether you are a student or a seasoned construction professional.”
“I want to express my special thanks to Construction Accelerator for enriching me with conceptual knowledge and practical understanding of Lean Construction concepts, tools, and techniques, and to LCI-Qatar for providing this opportunity to our members.”